1 Corinthians 16:10-24




10 When Timothy comes, see to it that he has nothing to fear while he is with you, for he is carrying on the work of the Lord, just as I am. 11 No one, then, should treat him with contempt. Send him on his way in peace so that he may return to me. I am expecting him along with the brothers.

10 Si llega Timoteo, procuren que se sienta a gusto entre ustedes, pues trabaja en la obra del Señor lo mismo que yo. 11 Así que ninguno de ustedes lo desprecie; sino, al contrario, ayúdenlo a seguir su viaje en paz, para que venga a verme, porque lo estoy esperando junto con los otros hermanos.

Timothy was sent ahead of Paul. Therefore, Paul didn't want this prideful unloving church to mistreat Timothy who he treated like his own son.

Pablo mando a Timoteo adelante, por que se preocupaba por el, como de su propio hijo, y no queria que la iglesia lo maltratara.

Timothy was sent by the apostle to correct the abuses which had crept in among them.... Proud spirits cannot easily bear reproof. It was reasonable therefore to think young Timothy might be roughly used; hence the apostle warns them against abusing him. (Matthew Henry)

 Timoteo fue enviado por el apostol para corregir los abusos....  era razonable pensar que el joven Timoteo podria ser usado; por eso, el apostol les advierte contra el abuso de Timoteo. (Matthew Henry)

Do churches abuse the messengers God sends them today?

Hoy en dia, las iglesias abusan de los mesajeros que Dios les envia?

We are very blest at Amazing Grace to have such a great loving relationship between the church and the pastors.

Aqui en Amazing Grace hemos sido bendecidos con la gran relacion entre los pastores y la iglesia.

12 Now about our brother Apollos: I strongly urged him to go to you with the brothers. He was quite unwilling to go now, but he will go when he has the opportunity.

12 En cuanto al hermano Apolo, le rogué mucho que fuera con los hermanos a visitarlos a ustedes, pero por ahora no quiso ir. Lo hará cuando tenga oportunidad

The church had probably requested Apollos to come to them. Apollos was a very eloquent preacher from Alexandria in Egypt. Either he didn't want to return to Corinth at this time or the Lord was guiding him elsewhere.

Apolos era un predicador elocuente de Alejandria en Eqipto y es probable que la iglesia pidio que Apolos venir a ellos. Pero podira ser que el no queria regresar a Corinto o el Senor estaba guiando a otro lugar.

Do we favor one pastor over another?

Favorecemos a un pastor sobre otro?

13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 14 Do everything in love.

13 Manténganse despiertos y firmes en la fe. Tengan mucho valor y firmeza. 14 Y todo lo que hagan, háganlo con amor.

Paul warns these believers to stay awake ...to be watchful. Had they been watchful in the past?


Pablo advierte a los creyentes, que permanecer despiertos... y estar atentos. Hubieran sido, atentos en el pasado?


No! They abandoned the truth for eloquent false teachers. Does this happen today?


No! Abandonaron la verdad por falsos maestros. Sucede esto hoy?


The most popular preachers today are not necessarily those who teach scriptural truths. We need to hold firm to our faith and not be tossed about by the winds of our culture and what we want to hear.


Los predicadores mas populares de hoy en dia, no necesariamente ensenan la verdad. Tenemos que aferrarnos a nuestra fe, y no a nuestra cultura, ni a lo que queremos oir. 


This is a military term for holding one’s position. “In the faith” refers to Christian truth or Christian doctrine...It is not generic (i.e. referring only to males), but encourages the whole church to act appropriately as mature and brave believers...believers strengthened by the Holy Spirit are to be firm or resolute in their faith in the face of the internal struggles in the Corinthian church. (Bob Utely)


"En la fe" es un termino militar que singifica mantener la posicion. Se refiere a la verdad Cristiana... Y no nomas se refiere a los hombres, si no que a todo mundo. Esto anima a toda la iglesia para actuar apropiadamente como creyentes valientes. (Bob Utely)


If Christians ever needed to dig in...NOW is the time!

Ahora es el momento! que como Cristianos debemos dar un paso adelente.

 15 You know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people.

15 Hermanos, ustedes saben que la familia de Estéfanas fue la primera que en la región de Acaya se convirtió al evangelio, y que ellos se han dedicado a servir a los hermanos en la fe.

 Paul baptized Stephanas and his household...

Pablo bautizo a Estefanas y sue hogare...


These early converts (i.e. first fruits) were apparently leaders in the local church... The concept of “households” converting all at once when the head of the family converts is often difficult for evangelicals who emphasize individual conversions. Yet the culture is crucial in understanding not only how family faith works, but also tribal faith. God is not limited to or unduly impressed by modern western individualism! This is so painful for our  thinking and doctrine. The concept of “household” conversions is used by denominations to affirm infant baptism. Usually Israel’s circumcision rites are also noted as incorporating eight-day old children into the family of Israel. Probably biblically the beginning must be viewed from the end. True faith grows, repents, believes, obeys, and perseveres. True faith is seen by its fruits, not only its initiating rites.(Bob Utely)


Los primeros frutos o primeros conversos eran los lideres en la iglesia.. El concepto de los "hogares" es cuando todos se convierte a la misma vez. La Cultura es crucial para entender no solo como funciona la fe de familia, sino tambien la fe tribal. El concepto de conversions "Hogar" es utilizado por las denominaciones de afirmar el bautismo de infantes. Generalmente el rito de circuncision de Israel se observa, a los ninos de ocho dias de edad, incorparacion a la familia de Israel. La Verdadera fe es vista por sus frutos y no solo sus ritos de iniciacion. (Bob Utely)


In regards to baptism...why can't it be both/and rather than either/or? that's how it is in the Bible.


En el respecto del bautismo, por que no puede ser, a la vez/y? en lugar de esto/o esto? Esa es la forma en que esta escrito en la biblia.


Most importantly, Stephanas made sure his whole household accepted Jesus. Do we emphasize this today?


Lo mas importante de Estefans, fue que se aseguro, que toda su casa aceptar a Jesus. Hacemos esto hoy?


I urge you, brothers and sisters, 16 to submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it.


16 Quiero que ustedes, a su vez, se sometan a personas como ellos y a todos los que ayudan y trabajan en esta labor.



This church had problems in the area of the proper treatment and respect of its true leaders (cf. v. 18; I Thess. 5:12; Heb. 13:17). Clement of Rome’s letter, written to this same church 40 years later, shows that they still had the same problem. (Bob Utely)


Esta iglesia tuvo problemas en la area del adecuado tratamiento y respeto de los verdaderos lideres (cf.v. 18; I Thess. 5:12; Heb. 13:17). 40 anos despues, clemente de la carta de Roma a esta misma iglesia demostra que todavia tenian el mismo problema. (Bob Utely)

Usually, contentious churches don't change...

Por lo general , las iglesias contenciosos no cambian....

Who are contentious people really hurting when they raise a fuss in the church?


A quien lastiman las personas contenciosos, cuando hacen un escandalo en la iglesia?


17 I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking from you. 18 For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition.

17 Me alegro de que hayan venido Estéfanas, Fortunato y Acaico, pues en ausencia de ustedes 18 ellos me han dado tranquilidad, lo mismo que a ustedes. Tengan en cuenta a personas como ellos.

Fortunatus and Achaicus were members of Stephanas household, maybe slaves...but the whole household was in mission for Christ. After Paul read the letter from the Corinthians ...they calmed his fears.


Fortunatus y Acaico eran miembros de el hogar de Estefanas, tal ves esclavos... pero con la misma mission de Christo. Despues de que Pablo leyo la carta de los Corintios, el temor se le calmo.


They gave him a more perfect account of the state of the church by word of mouth than he could acquire by their letter, and by that means much quieted his mind, and upon their return from him would quiet the minds of the Corinthians. Report had made their cause much worse than it was in fact, and their letters had not explained it sufficiently to give the apostle satisfaction; but he had been made more easy by converse with them. (Matthew Henry)

La explicacion de boca en boca, sobre el estado de la iglesia era perfecto. Esta explicacion calmo su mente, y la mente de los Corintios.  La carta no habia explicado suficientement para dar satisfaccion. (Matthew Henry)


Don't you appreciate people who can put things in the proper perspective for you.


Ustedes aprecian a la gente que ponen las cosas de una manera adecuada?


People like Pastor Bud (an interim pastor), Ricky, Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus should be respected by the church.


Gente como Pastor Bud (que es un pastor interino), Ricky, Estefanas, Fortunato y Acaico. Ellos deben de ser respetados por la iglesia. 


Those who work the work of the Lord should be neither terrified nor despised, but treated with all tenderness and respect. Such are all the faithful ministers of the word, though not all in the same rank and degree. Pastors and teachers, as well as apostles and evangelists, while they are doing their duty, are to be treated with honor and respect.(Matthew Henry)


Todos aquellos que trabajan para el Senor deben ser tratados con respeto. Pastores y maestros, asi como apostoles y evangelistes, deben de ser tratados con honor y respeto. (Matthew Henry)


Are these type of people respected by the church?

Estas Personas son respetadas por la iglesia?



Usually, they are unsung heroes...behind the scenes.

Por lo general, no son reconocido.



19 The churches in the province of Asia(Western third of modern day Turkey) send you greetings. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house.

19 Las iglesias de la provincia de Asia les mandan saludos. Aquila y Prisca, y la congregación que se reúne en su casa, les mandan muchos saludos en el Señor.

Where did the early church meet?

Donde se juntava la iglesia primitiva?

House churches today are growing and in many parts of the world are the reason for explosive growth.

Las iglesias en casas estan creciendo y en muchas partes del mundo son la razon del crecimiento explosivo.

Bigger isn't always better.

Mas grande no es siempre mejor.

20 All the brothers and sisters here send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss. 21 I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand.

20 Reciban saludos de todos los hermanos. Salúdense unos a otros con un beso santo. 21 Yo, Pablo, les escribo a ustedes este saludo de mi puño y letra.

The point is that the greetings were warm in the early church...are greetings generally warm in Christian churches today?

El punto es que los saludos eran carinosos en las primeras iglesias.. Hoy en las iglesias Cristanas, son los saludos carinosos?

Paul wrote this letter himself rather than using a secretary in order to emphasize the letter's authenticity.

En fin de enfatizar la autenticidad de la carta, Pablo la escribio el mismo sin utilizar una secretaria.

22 If anyone does not love the Lord, let that person be cursed! Come, Lord!

22 Si alguien no ama al Señor, ¡que caiga sobre él la maldición de Dios! ¡Señor nuestro, ven!

Paul says anathema (cursed) and Maranatha (come Lord)...

Pablo dijo anatema (maldito) y Maranatha (ven Senor)...

There are many Christians in name who do not love Christ Jesus the Lord in sincerity. But can anything be more criminal or provoking? What, not love the most glorious lover in the world! Him who loved us, and gave himself for us, who shed his blood for us... What had we a power of loving for, if we are unmoved with such love as this, and without affection to such a Savior? ...We have here the doom of the person described: "Let him be Anathema, lie under the heaviest and most dreadful curse. Let him be separated from the people of God, from the favor of God, and delivered up to his final, irrevocable, and inexorable vengeance... Those who love him not cannot be believers in him.  (Matthew Henry)

Hay muchos Cristianos que no aman al Senor Jesucristo. Puede haber algo mas criminal? De no amar el amante mas glorioso en el mundo! Aquel que nos amo y se entrego por nosotros, que derramo su sangre por nosotros.. Si somos indiferentes con un amor como este y sin afecto a tal Salvador? El destino de tal persona sera: " Sea Maldito, bajo la maldicion mas pesada y mas terrible.  Que se separado de la gente de Dios, de la gracia de Dios, y entregado a su final.  Los que no lo aman no pueden ser creyentes."    (Matthew Henry)


Don't we only have to go to church to be saved?

No solo tenemos que ir a la iglesia para ser salvado?






23 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. 24 My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.


23 Que el Señor Jesús derrame su gracia sobre ustedes. 24 Mi amor está siempre con ustedes en Cristo Jesús.


No matter how badly the church behaves...true shepherds love their flocks.

No importa que la iglesia se comporte mal... Un pastore verdadero ama a su manada.


This is one of the rare expressions of Paul’s personal love. Notice his expressed love to all in a church which had been so factious and hateful.(Bob Utely)

Esto es una de las raras expresiones  de amor personales de Pablo. Note que el amor, hobia sido expresado como  Falso y aborrecible, en las iglesias. (Bob Utely)


We ALL are to be lovers of Jesus and lovers of one another. Amen!

Todos tenemos que ser amantes de Jesus y amantes de unos a otros.
